Refurbishment of the Moioli Barracks

Presezzo (BG), 2008


Municipality of Presezzo

8.000 m2

Ideas competition in two stages


Studio Dott. Ing. Ghilardi, Green Design, Eng. C. Berizzi, Eng. M. Sartorello

The project proposal deals with the transformation of an area through the re-use of existent structures and their gradual requalification. The courtyard, the core element of change, represents a memorial of past, present and future, maintaining the identity of Bergamo lowland. Thanks to the restoration of a part of the portico, the building (which houses the new offices of the town hall and various recreation and cultural associations) connects the existing square and the north area transversely, allowing maximum permeability of spaces.

01 Caserma Moioli AIACE srl
02 Caserma Moioli AIACE srl
03 Caserma Moioli AIACE srl
04 Caserma Moioli AIACE srl